How to Use Treadmill Interval Training for Maximum Results Complete Guide

Do you want to get the most out of your treadmill workouts? Interval training is an effective and time-efficient way to achieve this goal. With this guide, you’ll learn how to use treadmill interval training for maximum results.

Get ready to maximize your workout and reach those fitness goals!

Interval training on the treadmill is a great way to maximize the results you can get from a regular cardio routine. It involves alternating between high- and low-intensity workouts, using varying speeds and inclines on the treadmill. This approach helps to burn more calories than you would normally burn from aerobic exercise alone.

In addition, interval training also helps to maximize fat burning potential and strengthens muscles throughout the entire body.

With this guide, you will learn about how to use interval training effectively as well as what are some of the advantages of interval training over traditional aerobic exercise. With interval training, you have an efficient way of getting into shape that will help guarantee healthier habits for many years to come.

Explanation of Treadmill Interval Training

What is Treadmill Interval Training? Treadmill interval training (TIT) is a high intensity exercise program designed to provide maximum results in a short amount of time. It involves alternating short periods of intense activity with longer periods of rest. This type of workout is popular among athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and those looking to maximize their results in the least amount of time possible.

The intensity of the activity periods in a TIT workout are determined by how quickly you move your feet on the treadmill’s running belt. The goal is to push yourself as hard as you can for the length of each interval before taking a brief break. After a set number of intervals (typically 7-20) are completed it’s important to take a longer break before repeating the cycle again.

Treadmill interval training has numerous benefits, such as increasing caloric burn and muscular endurance, improving cardiovascular health, and boosting performance on other exercises. The beauty of this type of workout is that it can be tailored to meet the individual needs and goals of each person doing it while simultaneously being extremely effective in achieving those goals quickly.

Benefits of Treadmill Interval Training

Treadmill interval training has a number of benefits, so it’s no surprise that it is becoming increasingly popular for individuals of all fitness levels. This type of workout is particularly effective for weight loss and improving overall cardiovascular endurance.

Treadmill interval training helps you burn more calories in a shorter period of time compared to other cardio exercises such as jogging or running. This intensity makes your body work harder resulting in the burning the maximum amount of calories possible in the available time period. This process also causes your metabolism to increase allowing you to continue burning more energy over an extended period of time after your workout has ended.

This type of aerobic activity also helps reduce unhealthy fat as well as improve heart health, maintain healthy body weight and increase your stamina. Interval training on the treadmill can help strengthen both your upper and lower body while providing additional support to keep up with your exercise goals. It can help sculpt muscle tone, increase muscular strength and endurance, reduce stress levels and improve overall coordination.

The versatility provided by the treadmill gives users additional options such as incline or decline settings which can further enhance any interval routine depending on individual goals; this feature allows users recreate an outdoor experience without ever leaving the gym or home! Additionally, many treadmills come equipped with various pre-programed options which can build specific fitness programs designed for beginner, intermediate and advanced level users.

Setting up Treadmill Interval Training

When setting up treadmill interval training, an important factor to consider is the intensity of each interval. Interval intensity is primarily determined by the speed of the treadmill and how many levels are used. Beginners should start at a slow speed with a lower level and increase gradualy as they become more experienced.

Here are some tips for setting up an effective treadmill interval training session:

  • Start with easy jogging or walking intervals at low intensities to warm up your muscles and get your body used to the exercise.
  • Then progress to harder intervals that increase in speed and intensity.
  • Be sure to give yourself plenty of time between intervals for rest and recovery; short breaks work better for shorter rest periods and slightly longer periods for longer rests.
  • As you become more familiar with treadmill interval training, you can add hills or inclines into your program for a greater challenge.
  • Choose inclines that challenge your body, but also make sure that you’re still able to focus on proper form and breathing throughout each exercise session.
  • Once you’ve mastered these basics, explore other options such as changing speeds during your intervals or varying the length of time you spend on each one for an even greater challenge.

Selecting the right treadmill

Selecting the right treadmill for quality interval training is important. A machine with at least a 2-hp motor and reliable shock absorption will offer the best results. If you cannot afford a commercial-grade machine, look for one with sturdy construction and adjustable speed settings.

Ensure that the machine has at least 20 inclination levels so you can both increase and reduce your workout intensity on-demand; this will help to prevent plateauing in performance, as well as provide an opportunity to improve goals over time.

Additionally, select a treadmill that tracks speed, distance and time metrics; these will give you more accurate views of your performance during each session.

Selecting the right shoes

Choosing the right pair of running shoes is one of the most important decisions you’ll make when engaging in treadmill interval training. Not only can the wrong type of shoe cause injuries, it can also prevent you from achieving maximum results. Therefore, it is essential to find the right fit and support when selecting a running shoe.

When shopping for a pair of running shoes, it is important to think about your individual needs such as arch height, foot strike, stability and shock absorption as these will differ depending on your running style. Additionally, if you overpronate or have flat feet, it may be necessary to purchase motion control shoes or orthotics for added support.

Since feet can change shape over time it is important to measure your feet every few months and try on multiple sizes before deciding on a pair. Also, be sure to take into account any changes in weight prior to purchasing new shoes as this will affect the way they fit and your potential performance outcomes while engaging in treadmill interval training sessions.

Finally, remember toe room! It’s best practice to leave at least half an inch of space between your longest toe and the front of your running shoes – this will help ensure that they are comfortable while exercising with no unwanted friction or blisters!

Clothing for Interval Training

Before undergoing any form of exercise, it is important to ensure you have suitable clothing for the activity you are about to undertake. Although interval treadmill training is an aerobic exercise, it still requires the correct clothing for optimum performance. Adequate support and comfort are essential, so choose items that wick sweat away from the skin while providing enough coverage and unrestricted movement to avoid any distractions.

Opting for items like workout tops or shorts that are made of breathable fabrics will ensure your body is left feeling cool and comfortable during periods of intense activity as well as rest. It may also be wise to layer your clothing so that you can easily adjust should your body temperature change depending on how strenuous each interval is. Additionally, appropriate footwear is essential, so select something comfortable but with enough grip to help keep you in control. Ensure it’s appropriate for treadmill use and tailored to the type of terrain you usually train on – trail shoes may offer extra grip on slanted treadmills or running shoes if outdoors – then lace up and get ready for a great workout!

Safety precautions

While exercise of any kind can be dangerous if proper safety precautions are not taken, interval treadmill training presents some unique risks. When engaging in a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program, it is important to consider the following:

– Drink plenty of water before, during and after having completed your HIIT routine. Dehydration decreases performance in endurance sports and increases your risk for heat related illnesses.

– Go for a gradual warmup before beginning a HIIT routine to prevent pulled muscles or other injuries.

– Make sure you have an accurate estimation of your current fitness level to help gauge proper intensity; this will reduce the likelihood of overexerting yourself or pushing too hard during interval training.

– Otherwise known as “red lights” dizziness, chest pain or shortness of breath should prompt you to stop running immediately. These symptoms can be signs that you are overtraining, or that you are experiencing a heart irregularity – all reasons to take it easy and talk with your doctor about the advisability of exercising again at such intensity levels.

3 Treadmill Workouts That Can Boost Your Fitness.

Planning Your Treadmill Interval Training

Once you have decided to integrate treadmill interval training into your fitness regimen, it’s important to plan carefully. There are several components of the intervals you should consider prior to beginning your session. They include warm-up duration, treadmill incline settings, recovery period length and target heart rate values. Additionally, consider what goals you want to achieve by doing interval training and how often you will be doing them.

Warm-up: It is extremely important for your safety and long-term success to always begin a treadmill workout with a five minute warm-up of light jogging or walking at an easy pace. This will allow your body time to slowly raise its internal temperature and prepare for the intense efforts that are about to come. Make sure that during the entire warm-up period you are reaching 60–70 percent of your maximum heart rate while talking comfortably as a general measure of intensity.

Treadmill incline setting: Inclining the running surface is one way that intervals can be more challenging and thus more effective than flat running alone. The ideal incline for each interval should depend on level of fitness and preparedness for the workout session in question; however, generally somewhere between 2–3 percent is suitable for most individuals during most workouts if desired.

Recovery period length: Once an interval has ended it’s important to immediately reduce the running speed/intensity or choose a walking/jogging pace from which working intensity can be easily reached when beginning the next interval without wasting energy or time in transition when timing intervals is important (operating with tabata protocol). Recoveries should generally range from 2–4 minutes if using intervals over 3 minutes in duration – longer recoveries may be necessary depending upon individual fitness levels when bouts exceed 10 minutes in duration. Additionally, short rest periods ranging between 30 seconds – 2 minutes are typically appropriate depending on both goals and desired difficulty levels when aiming to increase strength/endurance performance capabilities via shorter duration intervals ranging between 30 seconds – 3 minute durations (i.e., High intensity Tabata Intervals).

Target heart rates: During shorter work intervals (<60 sec) simply create effort levels as high as possible such that breathing becomes labored; however during rest recoveries aim towards breathing patterns returning back close to ‘normal’ constraining any speed increases below 80 percent of maxer heart rate allowing active recovery without working too intensely such that energy stores lack sufficient energy supplies creating greater fatigue rates for subsequent work bouts overall limiting total workload responses creating even bigger gaps betweem desired vs actual results overall!

Understanding the different types of intervals

Interval training is a great way to challenge your body and improve your cardiovascular fitness. Interval workouts involve alternating between high intensity periods of exercise and (usually) shorter periods of recovery, which can take the form of active or passive rest. This type of workout has been found to be highly effective for improving aerobic performance, as well as for burning calories.

There are several different types of interval training sessions you can use in order to get maximum results from your exercise program. These include:

  • Aerobic intervals: Sessions involving longer periods of moderate intensity work (from 3-8 minutes followed by 1-2 minutes rest).
  • Strength intervals: These intervals involve alternating between cardio and strength exercises, with a goal of increasing muscular strength while also working the heart rate.
  • Speed intervals: Sessions that involve sprinting or running at high speeds followed by lower intensity recovery periods in order to improve speed and power output.
  • Plyometric/Jump Training: High-intensity interval workouts using explosive moves such as jumping jacks and step ups in order to engage both the upper and lower body muscles while increasing heart rate and calorie burn.

Whatever type interval session you choose, it’s important to make sure you time yourself accurately so that the amount of work matches the recovery time you are taking between sets. This will ensure maximum benefit from the extra effort you put into these intense workouts!

Designing a workout plan based on fitness level

When beginning your treadmill interval training program, it’s important to design a workout plan that is specific to your fitness level. Depending upon where you are in regards to cardiovascular health, speed and endurance, the length and intensity of intervals will differ for each individual.

For those considered “beginners” and who are just starting out on an exercise regimen, warm-up intervals should be included at the beginning of each session—typically three minutes at a slow pace. Following this warm-up period, beginner runners should begin by using intervals that last between 30 seconds and one minute at a faster rate than their warm up (approximately 2.5 MPH). Additionally, a cool down period should also be added at the end of each session lasting between three and five minutes.

For individuals who consider themselves “intermediate” when it comes to fitness levels, depending upon previous experience with exercise activities that increase heart rate, they can lessen or increase their interval times as well as inclines on their treadmill. For example, a 30 second interval at 3 MPH followed by one minute or longer at 4 or 5 MPH creates an effective workout for someone on the intermediate level during which she should also be striving for proper form (shoulders back and relaxed arms) for maximum results throughout each session. Additionally, cool down sessions should follow the same rules as beginner exercises with 3-5 minute cool downs after each session before moving on to any other activities such as weight lifting or stretching exercises.

Structuring the interval workout

Every interval training workout should be structured in advance to ensure best results. As far as the actual workout, there are a few basic guidelines for creating effective treadmill interval workouts. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your intervals:

  1. Start with a warm-up of 5-10 minutes consisting of low intensity walking and dynamic stretches. This serves to get the heart rate up without stressing the body, and prepare the muscles for exercise.
  2. After warming up, begin the main portion of your interval workout by varying your speed and incline levels quickly and intentionally over a period of 15-30 minutes depending on intensity level. The key is to create short bursts of high intensity followed by short rest periods at a lower level that allows recovery but still keeps your maximum heart rate elevated over time.
  3. Finish your treadmill workout with cool down by reducing speed levels gradually while allowing your heart rate to gradually decrease back to its resting state as you complete any remaining dynamic stretching activities or slow, easy movements focused on flexibility before exiting from the treadmill.

A guide to treadmill HIIT workouts | PureGym


As you can see, intervals on a treadmill can provide a fantastic way to get maximum results in a short space of time. They are suitable for all fitness levels and require very minimal equipment. By mixing up the speed and incline during your interval sessions, you can ensure that you’re working your body hard enough to ensure maximum gains for the time taken.

Take it step by step and remember to push yourself but not too hard — the idea is to keep intensity high but still maintain form and technique. Talk to a trained professional if you’re ever unsure of how to go about setting up your treadmill intervals, as they will be able to give you advice regarding speed, incline and how long each session should be based upon your current level of fitness.


How effective is interval training on a treadmill?

Interval training on a treadmill can be very effective for improving cardiovascular health, increasing endurance, and burning calories. It involves alternating periods of high-intensity exercise with periods of rest or low-intensity exercise.

How do I get the maximum benefit from a treadmill?

To get the maximum benefit from a treadmill, it is important to vary your workout routine, including different inclines and speeds. Also, maintaining proper form, staying hydrated, and listening to your body are important.

Is interval training on a treadmill good for weight loss?

Interval training on a treadmill can be good for weight loss, as it increases your heart rate, burns calories, and boosts your metabolism. It is an effective way to burn fat and lose weight.

Can I do 12-3-30 everyday?

Yes, you can do the 12-3-30 workout everyday. It involves walking on a treadmill at a 12% incline, a speed of 3 miles per hour, for 30 minutes.

What is the 30 min treadmill rule?

The 30 min treadmill rule suggests that you should aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise on a treadmill per day to maintain good health and fitness.

What is the 12 3 30 treadmill workout?

The 12 3 30 treadmill workout involves walking on a treadmill at a 12% incline, a speed of 3 miles per hour, for 30 minutes. It is a popular workout for weight loss.

Is 20 minutes of interval training enough?

Yes, 20 minutes of interval training on a treadmill can be enough to improve cardiovascular health, increase endurance, and burn calories. However, longer workouts may provide greater benefits.

What is the best workout time for interval?

The best workout time for interval training on a treadmill may vary depending on your fitness level and goals. Generally, it is recommended to start with shorter intervals and gradually increase the duration and intensity over time.

Can I do 1 hour treadmill everyday?

Yes, you can do 1 hour on a treadmill everyday, but it is important to vary your workout routine to avoid injury and burnout. You can try different inclines, speeds, and types of workouts.

How do you burn the most fat on a treadmill?

To burn the most fat on a treadmill, you can try interval training, increase the incline, or vary the speed and intensity of your workout. It is also important to maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated.

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